Note: You must have a holiday condition created to proceed with this step.
To set up or edit a holiday condition see Step 1 - Setting up/Editing a Holiday Condition.
For the system to know which holiday condition to use with a phone number you will need to assign the holiday condition to an inbound route.
- If you are not on the PBX homepage click 'Return To Service' to go back to the PBX homepage
- Select 'Call Routing'.
- Find the number for which you wish to enable the holiday and then click 'view/edit'.
- On the right-side of the page check 'Enable Holiday'.
Choose from the drop-down list the holiday condition you wish to enable.
At the bottom of the page click 'Save' when you are finished.
- Your changes are now ready to 'Apply' to your PBX.
- Click 'Apply PBX Changes'.
- Once the yellow bar at the top has disappeared, the changes have been applied.