What's on your Hosted PBX Dashboard?
The Dashboard displays critical information about your Hosted PBX system, providing granular reporting data for a real-time or historical view of the activities within your phone system.
Drill down into user performance and call reports for valuable insight into resolution times, response rates and optimal service times.
Dashboard Widgets
The Dashboard drills down into user performance and call reports, giving valuable insight into resolution times, response rates and optimal service times.
Create a new Dashboard
From the left-hand menu, click the 'Home' button.
On the top right-hand corner click the 'Action' button, then click 'Add'.
Name your new Dashboard and click the button.
Adding Widgets
To add widgets to the Dashboard, click the button on the bottom right-hand side of the page.
When you select a widget, you may be asked to choose some additional settings. Do so, then click the button.
Unique URL for Wallboards
You can also generate a unique URL for each specific Dashboard, allowing you to keep a close eye on your statistics.
On the top right-hand corner click the 'Action' button, then click 'Unique URL'.
Copy the URL that is provided and open it on any web browser.
Real Time Status Widget Page
The 'Real Time Status' widget allows you to keep a close eye on your call queues.
Adding the 'Real Time Status' Dashboard
From the left hand menu, click the 'Home' button.
On the top right hand corner click the 'Action' button, then click 'Add'.
Select 'Real Time Status'.
- Select the PBX from the dropdown list and click the button.
- Add a description. This will show as the name of the tab.
If you have more than one call queue running you can choose between them from the left hand menu.
Note: You can also see the 'queue type' listed here.
Here you can see the following information:
- Total Calls: Total number of calls entering this queue today.
- Abandoned Calls: Number of calls that entered the queue today that hung up and were not answered. All abandoned calls shown here will also be visible on the abandoned call report, available here.
TIP: Click the button for 'Abandoned' to see a list of abandoned calls for today.
- Timed Out / Exits: Number of calls that entered the queue today, were not answered and progressed to the next activity. If the caller uses the 'press 1 to leave a voicemail' option, this will count towards the 'timed out/ exits' tally.
Note: A call that times out, is not classified as abandoned.
- Avg. Wait Time: Average time callers waited prior to being answered.
- Avg. Talk Time: Average time spent talking on calls answered in this queue.
Agent Status Information
Here you can see the following information:
- Name: Displays the name of the agent.
- Extension: Displays the extension number of the Agent.
- Talking to: Displays the caller ID (where available) of the person the agent is speaking with.
- Time In Call: Displays the total time the agent has been on their current call.
- Call Status: Will show as either 'Available' or 'In Call'
Calls In Queue Information
Here you can see the following information:
- Start Time: This is the time the caller entered this call queue.
- Caller ID: Displays the caller ID (where available) of the person waiting in the queue.
- Waiting Time: Displays the total time each caller has been waiting (in the current queue).
Note: Each call queue will have its own 'Waiting time'.
Call Reports
Inbound Calls
The 'Inbound Calls' report shows the total number of incoming calls received by the phone system, filtered by the phone number & time period selected.
- Select any time period with a maximum of 7 days between them.
- Choose any phone number, or all phone numbers.
- Click the 'Feedback' button to provide feedback or feature requests.
Click to download a copy in CSV format.
Inbound Calls - Summary Report
The Inbound Calls Summary Report provides a summarised report of the inbound calls to the uPBX platform with the following data.
- CallAlertName: Call Route Alert name of called number.
- TargetNumber: The phone number called on the uPBX Platform.
- TotalAnsweredCalls: The Total Number of Answered calls.
- TotalCallsNoUsers: Total number of calls to the Target Number that was not answered by a User on the uPBX Phone System.
- TotalCalls: The total number of Inbound Calls presented to the uPBX .
- TotalTalkTimeAllUsers: Total talk time for all Users talking on calls to the Target Number.
- AverageTalkTimePerUser: Average Talk Time of each User who talked on calls to the Target Number.
- TotalRingTimeAllUsers: Total time User handsets rang prior to being answered, for all Users who answered calls to the Target Number.
- AverageRingTimePerUser: Average Time Users’ handsets rang prior to being answered for all Users who answered calls to the Target Number.
- AverageCallTimeToAnswer: Average Time taken for calls to the Target Number to be answered between arriving at uPBX and when the first User spoke.
- TotalCallTimeToAnswer: Total Time calls to the Target Number spent in the uPBX before being answered by the first user for each call, is included in this total.
- TotalVoicemail: Total number of calls to the Target Number that entered Voicemail.
Inbound Calls - Detailed Report
The Inbound Calls Detailed Report provides information on a per-call basis for Inbound calls within uPBX Platform with the following data
- CallGUID: The Call GUID is a Global Unique Identifier for that call.
- CallDateTime: The Date and Time for the call.
- CallDuration: The Duration of the Call in seconds from the time the call arrives at uPBX until it is disconnected.
- OriginNumber: The Number of the Caller, if known (maybe set as Private).
- TargetNumber: The Number configured on the uPBX the Inbound caller dialled.
Lost Calls
The 'Lost Calls' report provides reporting on Incoming calls received by the phone system that were not answered by an Extension.
- Select any time period with a maximum of 7 days between them.
- Tick the checkbox if you wish to include calls that went to voicemail.
- Click the 'Feedback' button to provide feedback or feature requests.
Click to download a copy in CSV format.
Lost Calls - Summary Report
The Lost Calls Summary Report provides a summarised report of calls to uPBX platform for calls that were not answered by a User or went to Voicemail.
- CallAlertName: Call Route Alert name of called number.
- TargetNumber: The Number configured on the uPBX the Inbound Caller dialled.
- TotalCalls: The total number of calls to the Target Number across the reporting period.
- TotalLostCalls: Total number of calls to the Target Number that were not answered by a User on the uPBX Phone System, across the reporting period.
- LostCallsPercentage: Percentage of calls that were lost made to the Target Number across the reporting period.
Lost Calls - Detailed Report
The Lost Calls Detailed Report provides information on a per-call basis for unanswered calls within the uPBX
- CallGuid: The Call GUID is a Global Unique Identifier for that call
- CallDateTime: The Date and Time for the call.
- CallDuration: The duration of the call in seconds from the time the call arrives at uPBX until it is disconnected.
- OriginNumber: The number of the Caller, if known (maybe set as Private).
- TargetNumber: The Number configured on the uPBX the Inbound Caller dialled.
- CallRouteName: The Label name given to the specific Call Route for the Target Number as set in the Call Routing section of the uPBX configuration portal and shown in the Reporting Dashboard.
- LostInIVR: Field is set to value of 1 if the call entered the IVR and the Caller terminated the call before exiting the IVR.
- LostinQueue: Field is set to value of 1 if the call entered a call queue and the Caller terminated the call without speaking to a user before exiting a queue.
- Voicemail: Field is set to value of 1 if the call was sent to voicemail.
Outbound Calls
The 'Outbound Calls' report displays the total number of outgoing calls grouped into their billable rate type.
Report results can be filtered by simply clicking on the Call Type labels in the legend.
- Select any time period with a maximum of 7 days between them.
- Report can be filtered by clicking on the labels in the legend on the right hand side.
- Hover over the bar graph to see the exact number of calls.
- Click the 'Feedback' button to provide feedback or feature requests.
Click to download a copy in CSV format.
Outbound Calls - CSV Report
Provides a summary of the outgoing calls grouped by their billable rate
RateType: The numeric identifier based on the type of call.
- EG; is an Australian Local Call.
RateDescription: Description of the Rate type for the Outbound Call type.
- EG; if the Rate Type was 4 the description would be ‘Mobile Calls’.
RateCountry: The Country name for the relevant Rate Type.
- EG; “Australia” for Rate Type 1, being an Australian Local Call.
- CallDateTime: The Call Date and Time
- TotalCallCount: Total number of outbound calls for that Rate Type.
Time to Answer
The 'Time to Answer' report displays the average time taken for a call to be answered by a user.
- Select any time period with a maximum of 7 days between them.
- Choose a phone number / numbers from the drop down menu.
- Click the 'Feedback' button to provide feedback or feature requests.
Click to download a copy in CSV format.
Export Call Records
The 'Export Call Records' report allows you to download an easy to digest csv report with the following headings:
- CallGuid: The Call GUID is a Global Unique Identifier for that call.
- CallDateTime: The Date and Time for the call.
- ServiceID: uPBX Service ID.
- ServiceName: The official name of the Voice Service.
- ServiceFriendlyName: The User-defined name of the Voice Service.
Direction: The direction of the call.
- (Internal, Inbound, Outbound).
- Dialplan: Dialplan Used - AU (Australia), NZ (New Zealand).
- OriginNumber: The number of the Caller, if known.
- TargetNumber: The Number that was called.
- Jurisdiction: Unique numeric Identifier of an International call destination.
JurisdictionDescription: Jurisdiction Description.
- Eg; Jurisdiction 221 is “Canada”.
- CallDuration: The Duration of the Call including setup and ring time.
- BillableTime: The total Billable Time for the call. Only Outbound calls will have a billable time.
- TimeToAnswer: The time taken from when the call arrives at uPBX until the call is answered by a User.
RateType: The numeric identifier based on the type of call.
- Eg; 1 is an Australian Local Call.
RateDescription: Description of the Rate type for the outbound call type.
- Eg; if the Rate Type was 4 the description would be ‘Mobile Calls’.
RateCountry: The country name for the relevant Rate Type.
- Eg; “Australia” for Rate Type 1, being an Australian Local Call.
- HangupReason: The hangup reason for the call.
- UserAgent: The User agent (phone type) for the First Talker.
- AccountCode: When the Account Code Dialling feature on uPBX is enabled this is the optional Account Code used for the outbound call.
RTPMOS: Call quality rating - MOS - Mean Opinion Score, rating of 1 through 5 (5 being the best).
- When using the G711 codec, the RTP MOS value can be as high as 4.5.
- When using the G729 codec, the RTP MOS value can be as high as 3.9.
- RTPQuality: Call quality percentage rating.
- UserExtension: The extension number of the user that made or received the call. If more than one user spoke on the call, this is the first user who spoke.
- UserName: The name of User as set up in the configuration of uPBX.
OfficeName: The name of the Office as set up in the configuration of uPBX. This is the office the User (UserExtension) is located in.
- If more than one User spoke on the call, this is the office associated to the First User who spoke.
UserIPOwner: The details for the IP Address of the device the User connected from, if known.
- If more than one User spoke on the call, this is the IP Owner related to the First User.
- UserIPAddress: The IP Address of the device the User (UserExtension) connected from, if known. If more than one User spoke on the call, this is the first User who spoke.
- Voicemail: Field is set to the value of 1 if the call was sent to voicemail.
Select the start and end date ranges as well as the phone number(s).
Click to download a copy in CSV format.
You can also schedule this report by clicking the button.
Auto Attendant
The 'Auto Attendant' (often called an IVR) Report CSV Download report allows you to see which option callers are selecting at your voice prompts.
CallGUID: The Call GUID is a Global Unique Identifier for that call.
CallDateTime: The Date and Time for the call.
OriginNumber: The number of the caller, if known (maybe set as Private).
TargetNumber: The Number configured on the uPBX the caller dialled.
IvrReference: The Name of the IVR configured in uPBX .
KeyLabel: The label assigned to the IVR option configured in uPBX.
FirstExtensionNumber: The Extension number of the First User who spoke on the call.
FirstExtensionName: The name of the First User who spoke on the call.
LostInIVR: Set to 1 if the call entered the IVR and the Caller terminated the call before exiting the IVR.
TimeoutInIVR: Set to 1 if the call entered the IVR and the IVR timed out before the Caller selected an IVR option.
Voicemail: Set to 1 if the call was sent to voicemail.
Cost Allocation
Background information about Account Codes
Account codes are used to attribute calls to either a user or group of users. Alternatively, account codes can be used to attribute calls made to your customers.
When a call is made, you can enter the account code as part of the phone number. The code will show up in the CDR (Call Detail Recording) with call length, number dialled etc. The CDR record is written when you terminate the call.
This functionality would typically be used by anyone who bills specifically for their time, eg: lawyers.
The 'Account Code' report takes each call with account codes and assigns them a dollar value.
- Specify the start & end date ranges.
Assign the following values to each of the call types:
- Unit: Choose from 1 second, 30 seconds, or 1 minute increments.
- Cost: Enter the cost (per unit) in cents.
- Minimum: Enter the minimum call cost, in cents.
- Flagfall: Enter the flagfall rate here. (This is the cost that is applied once the call is connected.
Click to save your settings.
- Choose from Excel or PDF format, then download either the 'Summary' or 'Detailed' report.
Call Recordings
The 'Call Recordings' page allows you to play or download recorded calls. Calls can be searched by the calling number (origin), or the called number (target).
- Select the start & end dates.
- Enter a number to search (if required)
Once the data has loaded, you will be able to see the following information about each call:
- Origin: This is the source number.
- Target: This is the destination number.
- Duration (sec): Duration of the call, measured in seconds.
- Call Date: Date / Timestamp of the call.
- Download: Click here to download a copy of the call recording.
- Play: Click here to play the recording.
User Reports
Active Users
The 'Active Users' report shows the total time users spent on calls. Reports are filtered by the direction of the call, the office, and time period selected.
- Select any time period with a maximum of 7 days between them.
Select your 'Call Direction':
- All
- Internal (This will only display calls made internally.
- Inbound (This will only display inbound calls. (calls that you answered).
- Outbound (This will only display outbound calls (calls that you made).
- Select the 'office', or simply select 'all offices'.
- Click the 'Feedback' button to provide feedback or feature requests.
TIP: You can also choose between a bar graph and a pie chart by clicking the button in the top right hand corner of the graph.
Total Call Count
The 'Total Call Count' report shows the total number of calls each user made or received, filtered by the office and time period selected.
- Select any time period with a maximum of 7 days between them.
Select your 'Call Direction':
- All
- Internal (This will only display calls made internally.
- Inbound (This will only display inbound calls. (calls that you answered).
- Outbound (This will only display outbound calls (calls that you made).
- Select the 'office', or simply select 'all offices'.
- Click the 'Feedback' button to provide feedback or feature requests.
Average Call Duration
The 'Average Call Duration' report displays the average time each user spent on a call. Reports are filtered by the direction of the call, the office, and the time period selected.
- Select any time period with a maximum of 7 days between them.
Select your 'Call Direction':
- All
- Internal (This will only display calls made internally.
- Inbound (This will only display inbound calls. (calls that you answered).
- Outbound (This will only display outbound calls (calls that you made).
- Select the 'office', or simply select 'all offices'.
- Click the 'Feedback' button to provide feedback or feature requests.
TIP: You can also choose between a bar graph and a pie chart by clicking the button in the top right-hand corner of the graph.
Scheduled Reporting
Scheduled Reporting allows you to create a report and receive it in your inbox when you need it.
If a report is available for scheduling, you will see this button:
Creating a report
Click the button to create your report.
- Report: This is the report type.
- Friendly Name: This is your name for the report.
- Email: Add as many email recipients as required.
Schedule: Choose from Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
- Daily: Select the days you wish to receive the report.
- Weekly: Choose the day of the week you wish to receive the report.
- Monthly: Choose the day of the month you wish to receive the report.
- Report State: Use the toggle switch to choose from ON or OFF.
- Period: Choose from the last 7 days, 14 days, or the last month.
- Direction: Choose from Inbound, Outbound, Internal, or All Calls.
- Offices: Choose from a specific office, or all offices.
When you are finished, click the button.
View / Modify Existing Reports
Click Scheduled Reports from the left hand menu.
Here you can see the reports scheduled for the PBX including the report type, schedule, operating status, and the date last run.
- To edit a report, click .
- Use the toggle switches to enable or disable a report.
- To delete a report, click .
Virtual Fax Archive
The 'Virtual Fax Archive' allows you to download your inbound Fax.
Click the 'Download' button to download a copy of the PDF.
NOTE: Fax are stored for 90 days only